Season 1

May 13, 2021

Danica Patrick’s Comeback Story - The Importance of Mindset, Goals, a…

Danica Patrick, one of the most successful and recognized female racers in the world, shares her story of what she learned during her career, on and off the track. Learn about why a growth mindset was key to Danica’s success growing up as a racer,...

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May 6, 2021

Mike Bayer’s Comeback Story - Relentless Honesty, Awareness, and Aski…

Mike Bayer shares his story of growing up and struggling with his sexuality, and tells how that pain led to a meth addiction that almost destroyed his life. Learn how Mike realized the source of his pain and how he turned his story into a platform for...

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May 3, 2021

Reflecting On Eight Years Of Sobriety

A quick check-in with Donny. A few words of inspiration and why sobriety is the best thing that ever happened to him. Continuing to show up.  Freedom from myself.  8 years sober this Wednesday.  #dothework

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April 29, 2021

Holly Whitaker's Comeback Story - Learning to Love Yourself

Holly Whitaker shares her struggle with substance abuse and addiction, and how her experience led her to creating the digital recovery program Tempest. Holly is on a mission to change the conversation about alcohol in society after realizing that her...

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April 22, 2021

Inky Johnson's Comeback Story - The Beauty of Adversity and Finding Y…

Learn about how Inky Johnson turned a career ending injury into a story of inspiration and personal growth. Inky shares his experience in dealing with an injury that completely changed his life and how he went from struggling to understand it to using...

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April 15, 2021

Trent Shelton’s Comeback Story - The Power of Rehab Time

Internationally successful motivational speaker Trent Shelton talks about his story and struggle with fear and depression, and how his life changed completely once he accepted the power of his voice. Learn about the challenges Trent encountered during...

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April 8, 2021

Jon Gordon’s Comeback Story - The Power of Positivity

Jon Gordon, best selling author and motivational speaker, shares his hard-won insights into happiness and fulfillment, and talks about the power of positivity in transforming your life. Learn how Jon escaped a life of misery and depression and turned...

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April 1, 2021

Tim Storey’s Comeback Story - The Miracle Mentality

Tim Storey, the acclaimed author, speaker, and life coach to world-famous celebrities and athletes, shares his wisdom on the Miracle Mentality that he wants everyone to be able to achieve. Learn how Tim helps his clients create their own comeback...

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March 25, 2021

Alex Smith’s Comeback Story - The Comeback Player of the Year

Alex Smith shares the story of how his promising NFL career was derailed by a broken leg which led to an infection which threatened everything. Hear how Alex found a new mindset while in recovery and rehab at the Center for the Intrepid and how he...

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March 18, 2021

George Mumford’s Comeback Story - Seeking Truth and Wisdom Despite th…

George Mumford shares the wisdom he has learned during his life as a coach to some of the highest performing athletes in history, and what he learned from his personal struggle with addiction and pain that nearly cost him everything.   Michael...

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March 11, 2021

Andre Norman’s Comeback Story - Saving Lives At The Academy of Hope

Listen to the incredible story of Andre Norman, who went from violent prison kingpin to the Ambassador of Hope for thousands of people trapped in the cycle of incarceration. Learn about the key lesson that turned Andre’s life around and helped him...

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March 4, 2021

James May’s Comeback Story - Accepting The Truth and Changing Your Pa…

Listen to James May as he tells the story of his life as a heroin and cocaine addict, and how he went from consistent run-ins with the wrong side of the law and a near-miss with a violent death, to accepting the truth of his situation and starting a...

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Feb. 25, 2021

Seane Corn’s Comeback Story - Embracing Your Shadow To Find The Light

Seane Corn shares her experiences with childhood trauma and sexual abuse, and how that put her on a path of self-discovery. Listen to Seane’s story of growing up as a hypersensitive child with obsessive-compulsive behaviors that she used to manage...

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Feb. 18, 2021

Tyrann Mathieu’s Comeback Story - Getting Unstuck

Tyrann Mathieu talks about how his childhood without parents shaped his life and how he realized that chasing the love of other people was taking him in the wrong direction. Learn how Tyrann almost lost everything, and how he changed the narrative so...

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Feb. 11, 2021

Donny Starkins’ Comeback Story - His Journey from Addiction to Helpin…

Donny Starkins reveals his journey from a star baseball player with the world and success ahead of him to a drug addict that couldn’t escape his pain until he hit rock bottom. Find out how Donny realized he needed help, and how his experience with...

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Feb. 3, 2021

Darren Waller's Comeback Story - Stop Giving Your Power Away to Other…

Darren Waller (Las Vegas Raiders, tight end) delivers an incredible message in the inaugural episode of the Comeback Stories podcast and talks about his struggle with addiction and drugs and how his life story and struggle has transformed into his...

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Jan. 19, 2021

Comeback Stories Trailer

Here's the first minute of Comeback Stories.  Launches 2/4/21.

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