June 17, 2021

Lisa Bilyeu’s Comeback Story - The #1 Mindset Shift That Made Quest Nutrition Possible

Lisa Bilyeu’s Comeback Story - The #1 Mindset Shift That Made Quest Nutrition Possible

Lisa Bilyeu shares the wisdom she has learned in her journey from stay-at-home housewife to millionaire business co-founder alongside her husband, Tom Bilyeu. Learn how Lisa took a chronic and debilitating health issue and turned it into the...

Lisa Bilyeu shares the wisdom she has learned in her journey from stay-at-home housewife to millionaire business co-founder alongside her husband, Tom Bilyeu. Learn how Lisa took a chronic and debilitating health issue and turned it into the foundation for extreme ownership in her life, and why she believes the mindset she discovered at her lowest point was the key to her success.

  • Lisa was brought up in the metropolis of London but has Greek roots and would always go back to the village where she grew up each summer.
  • It was from Lisa’s father that she learned the foundational lesson of working hard and putting in the effort is how you achieve something. Coming from nothing doesn’t define who you can be, it just means that you have to believe in yourself and put in the work.
  • Many of us grow up with the belief system of what our parents pass on to us, which is pretty much what happened to Lisa. Even with her big dreams of making movies in America, she found herself falling into the lifestyle of the stay-at-home wife before starting Quest Nutrition.
  • Lisa was bullied as a young girl and struggled with a painful internal belief that she wasn’t good enough and all the insecurities that come with that.
  • Lisa’s mother was her first real teacher. She chose to stand on her own after divorcing Lisa’s father, and seeing her be empowered while raising Lisa and her siblings showed her what was possible with hard work.
  • Looking back at her mother’s story, Lisa realized that she had body image issues and lost her way later on. 
  • In the early days of starting the business with her husband, Lisa quickly learned that picking herself back up was her superpower and she built the confidence that if she didn’t know something she could learn it.
  • Lisa’s experience with helping her mother get healthy again is the origin story of the content that they would begin to create and where Impact Theory was born. 
  • If you don’t believe something is possible, you might as well give up now. If you do believe it’s possible, you are going to overcome the obstacles that get in your way and stop making excuses. Mindset is the key to the comeback story.
  • The most difficult point in Lisa’s life occurred during the early days of Quest Nutrition when the work involved 24 hour days and plenty of hardship and success. Right at the moment where things started to take off, Lisa couldn’t eat much of anything without feeling completely awful. With more money than she ever dreamed, Lisa was more miserable than ever.
  • She realized that the fact she was sick was her fault and she needed to accept responsibility for the situation and take control of her own health. She started tracking everything about what she ate instead of taking a pill to solve her problems. This expanded out into the rest of her life and is how Lisa lives now: complete ownership.
  • For Lisa, there was no rock bottom. It was just 8 years of a life that she didn’t want, despite the fact that it wasn’t a bad life. Even though she didn’t want it, her mindset fell into the narrative of her childhood.
  • Lisa used to say that she couldn’t do something, but now she says she could do it if she put in the work but maybe she doesn’t want to. There is nothing out of your reach, and that mindset is incredibly empowering. Instead of running away from your weaknesses, you need to shine a light on them and focus on shoring them up.
  • Mindfulness gives us the space to make better decisions and make fewer mistakes. 
  • It’s not about when we fall, it’s about how we get back up. Society tends to focus on the fall and use it to define people, but we need to move past that and focus more on who we show up as each day and who we are trying to be in the future.
  • Lisa is most grateful for her husband, everything else in her life could go. From the beginning of their marriage, they focused on doing what they needed to do to build a happy successful marriage, not just being married.
  • If you have a common goal with your relationship, you can communicate with each other and trust that criticism, feedback, or complaints, are in service to your shared goal. Like a business partnership, each person has a role and responsibilities and they execute them together like a team.
  • As long as we keep nurturing, loving, and growing at the forefront they become the foundations for a relationship.
  • Relationships are like sports, they take practice and work to become good at.
  • If Lisa could say something to her younger self she would send her an emoji that would make her laugh. Lisa believes that her hardship and struggle made her into who she is now, and embracing that hardship is empowering for her.
  • If you’re not feeling confident right now, start by asking different questions. Break down the thing that you want from your perspective, instead of from someone else’s perspective.
  • Don’t focus on the “shoulds” and take them out of your vocabulary. Not asking yourself the hard questions forces you to stay exactly where you are, whether you like it or not.
  • Lisa’s comeback shoutout goes to herself. At the end of the day, your comeback story starts with yourself.
Lisa Bilyeu Profile Photo

Lisa Bilyeu

Co-founder and president of Impact Theory

Lisa Bilyeu is the co-founder and president of Impact Theory, a digital media production company focused on empowering content. In addition to co-founding Impact Theory, she co-founded the billion dollar brand, Quest Nutrition, 9 years ago.